Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Yep! So I arrived to Kelowna just yesterday. THE FLIGHT WAS SO LONG AND TIRING! I had to wake up at 5am and I did not have breakfast. I STARVED THE WHOLE FLIGHT! MY GOODNESS! There’s a two hour time difference here. What time will it be when you guys read this? Nine? Well if it was nine, it would be 7am here. The time change is definitely something to get used to.

Kelowna is actually really pretty! It’s surrounded by mountains….and in the mountains there’s forests…..WITH TREES!! LOTS AND LOTS OF THEM! YAY! I’ll be starting school on Monday. My first week of school is the last week of school. How does that even work? For now I’ll try to get myself moved in and go sightseeing. How’s everything going there? I heard there was a retreat! You lucky people! It’s a shame I missed it. I hope everyone’s okay, and I hope the weather gets warmer so you guys can go outside. Well, that’s it for now.

Bye Bye!  

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The boy in the striped pajamas is the book I am currently reading. I am almost finished with just 2 chapters left to read. To be exact it is 14 pages. Bruno is the main character. Some of our ELA classes are reading classes where we read a book. We are all chosen to have 2 books to read for these classes and to read for home. We get to choose the books we read but sometimes the teacher just gives you a book to read, that’s what happened to me, the teacher asked me if I read this book and I said no and then she gave it to me to read.

So far I am at a part where Bruno and the boy at the fence do something risky. At the beginning of the book Bruno and his family move from Berlin to a place Bruno isn’t sure about. They all call it Out-With. Bruno didn’t like it at Out-With because he didn’t have any friends. One day he went exploring and saw a fence with a Dot, but then became a speck, and then a blob, then that blob became a figure that became a boy.
By: Jazmeen Phangureh

Friday, December 6, 2013

This is my second blog post
My second blog post is about my book called No More Pranks its about this boy who gets into a lot of trouble his name is Pete.
And there was this one prank he made to a doctor his name is Dr. Dingle Pete was pretending to be his teacher Mr. Quincy and he told the doctor he had a terrible problem I don't know what the problem was, and then he got detention and his teacher got mad at him.
When Pete's parents heard this they thought Pete's friends were making him do all of that stuff so his parents sent him to go to Tadoussac with his Uncle Jean to help him with stuff, but one day a women and a boy wanted to go on a kayak ride and the women was screaming she found a frog in her pocket

Basketball tryouts at St. Maurice School

            For my second blog post I will be talking about the basketball tryouts at St. Maurice School.  I didn’t try out, but I was on the sidelines watching. A lot of people tried out. Only 18 made it on the competitive team tryouts. 13 will be selected and 5 will be cut. The people who are cut will be going to the developmental team.