Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The boy in the striped pajamas is the book I am currently reading. I am almost finished with just 2 chapters left to read. To be exact it is 14 pages. Bruno is the main character. Some of our ELA classes are reading classes where we read a book. We are all chosen to have 2 books to read for these classes and to read for home. We get to choose the books we read but sometimes the teacher just gives you a book to read, that’s what happened to me, the teacher asked me if I read this book and I said no and then she gave it to me to read.

So far I am at a part where Bruno and the boy at the fence do something risky. At the beginning of the book Bruno and his family move from Berlin to a place Bruno isn’t sure about. They all call it Out-With. Bruno didn’t like it at Out-With because he didn’t have any friends. One day he went exploring and saw a fence with a Dot, but then became a speck, and then a blob, then that blob became a figure that became a boy.
By: Jazmeen Phangureh

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