Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Yosan's religion blog post

                                                                                                                              Yosan Ghille 7A
                                                                                                                             February 26, 2014

          February Blog Post

               Today I will be speaking about what we have been doing in our religion classes. We began this specific unit on Jesus' life recently; we began near the date of January 30 and ended near February 10. For this unit we studied chapter we studied three chapters; which were chapters 7, 8, 9. The three booklets were entitled; Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, The Saving Mission of Jesus, and The Priesthood of Jesus. Our class is currently about to have a test on March 3 regarding these three chapters, textbook reading and our terms to know.
                  We have also recently completed watching a movie in this class called Mickey. It is about a man named Tripp who is a lawyer and he is suddenly under an IRS investigation. In order to avoid getting caught, he and his son Derek flee to Las Vegas. Tripp becomes Glen Simon Ryan and Michael ''Mickey'' Jacob Ryan. Mickey's new identity states that he is a year younger, which allows him to continue playing Little League Baseball. This really increased the chances of them becoming identified. Mickey's team makes it to the Little League World Series final game, in which they represented the U.S.A. His team is playing against the Cuban team, which are both later caught to be cheating. Later on, at a news conference, Glen/Tripp admits himself to the IRS and he is given a one year sentence in jail. That is basically the whole entire plot of the story.


February Blog Post- Serena 7A

February Blog Post

     For my blog post today I will be talking about Camp Arnes. Camp Arnes is a Christian camp near Gimili. This camp is open in the summer and winter, offering different activities. Many schools go during the winter or fall. Camp Arnes is also used for different Christian retreats.

     We left for Camp Arnes on Thursday, February 20, 2014. We decided to take a Beaver Bus instead of driving individually. This meant that we were required to pay $30 more. So then all together the price for Camp Arnes added up to $150. Once we arrived at camp we were introduced to the chalet. The girls were to stay on the top floor and boys on main floor. There was also a main room for all of us. Throughout the three days we stayed at Camp Arnes, we did different activities such as snowshoeing, skiing, ice fishing, tobogganing, hockey, swimming, group activities, and watched movies. I had lots of fun and hope to go next year!
                                                                                        By: Serena 7a

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

In science we are learning about forces and structures. We watched videos about the Shanghai World Financial Centre, Ski Dubai, and the World Islands project. We also answered questions about the process of creating the world islands. In late January, we were assigned a project to create a Prezi on a famous structure. Two people were allowed to do one structure, but everyone was encouraged to choose their own. In the Prezi, you had to advertise the structure (almost like a brochure).

                This project involved a lot of research and creativity. The requirement was to tell people about your structure. Things you had to include were where it was located, facts about it, fact about its construction, a brief history of the construction and why you should go visit. You also had to include pictures of the structure you chose. This project was an easy way to get good marks in science.

Blog Post #3
Today my blog post is all about Ela. In Ela we did Lit. Circles, comprehension booklets, and book talk. We didn't really do much but we did a project after we read our Lit. Circle books. For Book talk, we do it every two weeks and there would be two presenters. For the comprehension booklets we did Finding the facts, grammar, and many more.

We also started to talk about grammar, like nouns, subject, predicate, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Lately we did another booklet which was spelling and we also started on our second Lit.Circle.


Monday, February 10, 2014


Blog Post #3 

Social Studies 

In social studies we are learning about different types of Political Parties. What we are learning about in the parties are what their responsibilities or issues are in their area. We have just learned about the different levels of lawmakers and their issues. 

Right now we are doing a project on Political Parties by getting together in groups and making our own party and giving issues on what we support needs to be better in the area. We also have to have a symbol, a candidate, a poster, a slogan, and a speech. We just started this project.