Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February Blog Post- Serena 7A

February Blog Post

     For my blog post today I will be talking about Camp Arnes. Camp Arnes is a Christian camp near Gimili. This camp is open in the summer and winter, offering different activities. Many schools go during the winter or fall. Camp Arnes is also used for different Christian retreats.

     We left for Camp Arnes on Thursday, February 20, 2014. We decided to take a Beaver Bus instead of driving individually. This meant that we were required to pay $30 more. So then all together the price for Camp Arnes added up to $150. Once we arrived at camp we were introduced to the chalet. The girls were to stay on the top floor and boys on main floor. There was also a main room for all of us. Throughout the three days we stayed at Camp Arnes, we did different activities such as snowshoeing, skiing, ice fishing, tobogganing, hockey, swimming, group activities, and watched movies. I had lots of fun and hope to go next year!
                                                                                        By: Serena 7a

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