Tuesday, March 4, 2014

AJ Javier
Wednesday, March 5th

Blog Post #3
            In Science we are currently learning about Forces.  A force can be described as a push or pull acting on an object.  Force would usually be measured in Newtons (N).  Mass is the measure of the amount of material that is in an object; Weight is the force of gravity pulling an object towards another. All objects have a gravitational force, but most are not big enough to be noticeable. The larger an object’s mass, the stronger the gravitational force. Magnitude is the measure of how strong a force is.  Vector is quantity that has a magnitude (amount) and direction.

There are different types of forces and weights  that act upon an object.  Compression is a force which crushes a material by sqeezing it.  Tension is a force which pulls apart a material.  Torsion is a twisting force that twists both ends of a material in opposite directions.  Shear is a force that tears a material in opposite directions.  Live load is the weight of things (people, furniture, wind, etc.) in or on a structure.  Dead load is the weight of the structure itself.

These are most of the things that we covered in Science for the beginning of our new unit.

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