Monday, June 2, 2014

Serena's Blog Post

Serena’s Blog Post

     For my blog post I will be discussing the ICT project.  The project was assigned May 21, 2014, and is has not yet been given a due date. This project will be on PowerPoint and must be presented to the class. We will be marked on the content, pictures, transitions and animations, appearance, spelling, a bibliography, and listening to other presentations. The project will be out of 40 marks total.
     The objective is to create an animal report using PowerPoint on an animal of your choice. For the report we will need to research the animal we choose and find the scientific name, habitat, diet, physical description, breeding info, special behaviors, and weird information. In our PowerPoint we will also have to include a video or sound file. There will be eleven slides total. For more information you can refer back to the outline given by Miss Teetaert.                                                                                                                                 


Sunday, June 1, 2014


In science we are working on our ecosystems unit. We have done things like notes and watched documentaries on different ecosystems. We were assigned a project to create an ecosystem as well. In this project we are to create a diorama of an ecosystem with the help of our partner(s). We must also answer some questions about our ecosystem. There are only allowed two groups per ecosystem. Some of the ecosystems might include: rain forests, coral reefs, savannahs, jungles and boreal forests. We were each allowed to pick one from the list or one that was not listed. We are to use clay and a shoebox for our diorama. Everyone seems to be having a lot of fun with their projects and getting a lot done in the two work periods we've had. 

The picture below displays the appearances of  four ecosystems:
With all that said, I wish you all luck on your projects and thank you for listening.

Track & Field

Track & Field
                  On Wednesday, May 21st, we had our first track meet for Grades 7 & 8. The events that we did are the following: Long Jump, High Jump, Discuss, Shot-put, 800m, 400m, 200m, it was supposed to be a 100m but its 60m. This year, the track and field for grades 7&8 wasn't that bad at all, but i have to admit it was a lot of fun. After a couple of weeks from track, Mrs. Langstaff gave us the results to who are going to the U OF M for the track meet on Wednesday, June 4. I don't have the results of the winners for each event we did. Before I end my presentation I want to congratulate the following people who are going to the track meet on Wednesday. Congratulations to Agustina, Yosan, Skylar, Bianca, Megan, Marcus, Savith, Matthew, Bennet, to the people in 7B, and Grade 8. Thank you for listening!