Monday, June 2, 2014

Serena's Blog Post

Serena’s Blog Post

     For my blog post I will be discussing the ICT project.  The project was assigned May 21, 2014, and is has not yet been given a due date. This project will be on PowerPoint and must be presented to the class. We will be marked on the content, pictures, transitions and animations, appearance, spelling, a bibliography, and listening to other presentations. The project will be out of 40 marks total.
     The objective is to create an animal report using PowerPoint on an animal of your choice. For the report we will need to research the animal we choose and find the scientific name, habitat, diet, physical description, breeding info, special behaviors, and weird information. In our PowerPoint we will also have to include a video or sound file. There will be eleven slides total. For more information you can refer back to the outline given by Miss Teetaert.                                                                                                                                 


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