Sunday, June 1, 2014

Track & Field

Track & Field
                  On Wednesday, May 21st, we had our first track meet for Grades 7 & 8. The events that we did are the following: Long Jump, High Jump, Discuss, Shot-put, 800m, 400m, 200m, it was supposed to be a 100m but its 60m. This year, the track and field for grades 7&8 wasn't that bad at all, but i have to admit it was a lot of fun. After a couple of weeks from track, Mrs. Langstaff gave us the results to who are going to the U OF M for the track meet on Wednesday, June 4. I don't have the results of the winners for each event we did. Before I end my presentation I want to congratulate the following people who are going to the track meet on Wednesday. Congratulations to Agustina, Yosan, Skylar, Bianca, Megan, Marcus, Savith, Matthew, Bennet, to the people in 7B, and Grade 8. Thank you for listening!

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