Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Our latest worry as students is the science project. Now, most of us probably had a hard time working on it since we also had that ELA test, which by the way I´m so glad we finally got it over with yesterday! It was certainly a stressful. Anyway, for this project we were allowed to work with a partner to build a thermos with a giant report to go along with it. Some of the things included are, a project rubric (whatever a rubric is), the materials used for the thermos, and a rough copy and good copy of our individual prototype.

We were also given questions to answer in our report. The thermos itself is due this Wednesday, November 27, and we will test them to see how long an ice cube stayed frozen in our thermos, but I’m not sure when we will test them though. The report will be due on November 29.  I wish everyone good luck and I hope most of you finished your project...and for those who didn´t, like me, don’t worry! I’m sure we´ll finish! I hope you enjoyed my second blog post!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Second Blog Post; Typhoon Haiyan

            On Tuesday November 19th, St. Maurice school raised money for the horrendous typhoon that hit the Philippines. Normally, it would have been loonie Tuesday, and we would dress casual by paying a Loonie. On Tuesday, however, the people that dressed casual paid double the amount, $2, and this money went to the people that are suffering from the typhoon’s wreck. In my opinion, this was a very good idea, because it helped the sufferers of the horrible typhoon. In the morning, normally, the Canada’s national anthem would be played. On this day however, the national anthem of the Philippines was also played on the morning announcements. Also, we stood in silence for to show respect for the victims of the natural disaster.

            In total, our school raised 1 370 dollars. I did not think that we would raise this much money from only 2-dollar donations. From these donations, I personally realized that how even an amount of money so low, can have such a great impact on the lives of others. In my opinion, the donations thoroughly represented the kind of school this is, and our perspective on the people that are in need. Keep up the good work, and always help the people in need.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

    Class blog post #2                                                                            by andrew nguyen 7A
Social Studies Project: making our own country … with a group J

    For social studies we are making our own country. To make our own country we have to make a list of ten rights and responsibilities for the country. Rights are like privileges, guarantees, and freedom stuff . Responsibilities are expectations, duties, and obligations. This project is with our group tables so groups of 5-6. The country needs a flag designed by yourself and a name for the country.

  The country needs a map of the area, it needs to show directions (N,S,E,W), time zones, hemispheres and a measurement of longitude and latitude. The map includes Physical features like population, centres, and transportation routes. The country also needs an HDI score and a GDP of what are the levels of industry. We so have to develop a plan to increase your country’s Quality of life (health, wealth, education, human rights).

Monday, November 18, 2013

Second blog post

ELA Blog By: Marcus Jofre 7A
In ELA we are trying to finish all of our short stories because in a few weeks we are going to do a novel. So far we have read 11 short stories and don’t have much left. My favourite one so far is The Most Dangerous game because it is about survival. Our teacher is Mrs.Sosnowski and she reads the short story with us and she also is our religion teacher. At the end of short stories we are writing one short story and having a big test.  She wants us to read a lot so we read books then we count how many we read at one point. Our goal last time was around 100 and we got higher. Now our goal is 207 and we are going to read that many books.
We have 3 different kinds of class for ELA. One is core where we do the short stories, do booklets about characteristics of a short story. We also have reading classes where we read our books and write about it in a reading journal. We also have writing classes where we do spelling tests and pre spelling tests.        

November 12,2013
                                       My second blog post
                       For my second blog post, I will be talking about what we have been learning in social studies. We are learning how people have the power to control other people and their actions. They have the authority and power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce their laws.  Power is the ability to tell someone what to and influence a person or the world. Authority is when you have permission to control people’s actions and using that power. For example, Police have the power to arrest someone, but do not have the authority to arrest you for brushing your hair in public.

           We also learned about, three types of questions, and using them when appropriate. The three type of questions are called, a “Boat question”, a” Fish question”, and a “Treasure Chest question”. A “Boat question”, is when you ask for information beginning with the 5 W’s, or how, should, could or would. A “Fish question”, is a question where you dig a little deeper. It provides with an inference or prediction question. For example, what do you think about________? It is usually followed up with a, “why” question.  A “Treasure Chest question”, is a question applying what you know and relating it to new ideas. For example, how long would it take for an airplane to fly around the world? We had to make up 2 boat, and fish questions, and 1 treasure question about the film called, ‘‘nails.’’ In that film we learned how nails were manufactured a very long time ago, up until today.

            Thank you for listening and have a great day!


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog Post #2

On Wednesday, November the 5th the Patriots Competitive Girls had a Volleyball game.  The girls were very excited for that game and also scared of the competing team in the beginning.  In the first set the Patriots lost to 25-18 and they didn't feel scared of the Blazers anymore.  The second set they won against the opposing team 25-22 and triumphed with victory.  Finally, the Patriots lost their third set to the Blazers 25-23.  It was a fun game for our school’s team and they believe they will win the next game of the Competitive Girls Volleyball.

When watching your school team in a game you should always cheer for them, it will be very appreciated to our very own Patriots.  Although, they may lose a few games, we will always think of them as our winners.  It doesn't matter if they are playing volleyball, basketball, soccer, badminton, etc., they will still be our team that we cheer for.  Many of our friends are playing for our school and they would love for you guys to support them or even join a team with them someday.  So why not join them?  Hope you like my blog of the volleyball game and a bit of thanks from our team.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

HI, my name is harsh and this is my second blog post I’ll try to make it better than the last on. So any ways now about the school my blog is going to be about the Remembrance Day ceremony ‘’and kind of about me’’ Because I was part of it. So I’ll tell you guys it’s about cadets, the people who are in cadets like army, sea or air can participate in the Remembrance Day ceremony. Well I did it was hard work because we practiced for it for 3 weeks. But finally we did it when all are hard work and best effort comes here on November 9th Friday that’s when school are celebrated it. First off we started with the cadet’s entrance so we marched in the church all sea air and army cadets but I was the only army so I was a little proud because I was the only one who was representing army.

So where were we…..oh yeah so the cadets were marching in then we split into a group into the each side of the church. And then we saluted for the O Canada. And then we saw a PowerPoint presentation about a girl’s grandfather who served in World War 2. It was the saddest part about the ceremony. Then rest was speeches, so the most important part was the laying of the reeths. I was one of the 3 people who got to do it. Mainly because I was the only army cadet and with me where sea and air. Then we just marched out and that was pretty much it.  So this was when we celebrated the Remembrance Day ceremony hope you liked my second blog.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Scare Away Hunger

Second Blog Post- Scare Away Hunger


     On October 31, 2013 we were asked to collect canned foods on Halloween while trick or treating.  This was asked by the Social Justice Committee, so they could donate the cans to Winnipeg Harvest. Every time we asked for candy we were to show them a paper provided with our information and ask them if they want to donate any canned foods. Not everybody participates, but we are strongly encouraged to because some is better than none. Most people will want to donate and do the right thing anyways.


     So this was organized by the Social Justice Committee, which is a group run by Mrs. Sosnowski. They also told us it would be best to bring a wagon, since obviously canned foods get heavy. It was recommended for the students to go in groups in certain areas. Most students are going in groups of two, three, four, etc. For more information please talk to Mrs. Sosnowski. ( p.s. I wrote this for October 31, sorry it’s a bit late.)

By: Serena- 7A