Monday, November 18, 2013

Second blog post

ELA Blog By: Marcus Jofre 7A
In ELA we are trying to finish all of our short stories because in a few weeks we are going to do a novel. So far we have read 11 short stories and don’t have much left. My favourite one so far is The Most Dangerous game because it is about survival. Our teacher is Mrs.Sosnowski and she reads the short story with us and she also is our religion teacher. At the end of short stories we are writing one short story and having a big test.  She wants us to read a lot so we read books then we count how many we read at one point. Our goal last time was around 100 and we got higher. Now our goal is 207 and we are going to read that many books.
We have 3 different kinds of class for ELA. One is core where we do the short stories, do booklets about characteristics of a short story. We also have reading classes where we read our books and write about it in a reading journal. We also have writing classes where we do spelling tests and pre spelling tests.        

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