Wednesday, November 20, 2013

    Class blog post #2                                                                            by andrew nguyen 7A
Social Studies Project: making our own country … with a group J

    For social studies we are making our own country. To make our own country we have to make a list of ten rights and responsibilities for the country. Rights are like privileges, guarantees, and freedom stuff . Responsibilities are expectations, duties, and obligations. This project is with our group tables so groups of 5-6. The country needs a flag designed by yourself and a name for the country.

  The country needs a map of the area, it needs to show directions (N,S,E,W), time zones, hemispheres and a measurement of longitude and latitude. The map includes Physical features like population, centres, and transportation routes. The country also needs an HDI score and a GDP of what are the levels of industry. We so have to develop a plan to increase your country’s Quality of life (health, wealth, education, human rights).

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