Monday, November 18, 2013

November 12,2013
                                       My second blog post
                       For my second blog post, I will be talking about what we have been learning in social studies. We are learning how people have the power to control other people and their actions. They have the authority and power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce their laws.  Power is the ability to tell someone what to and influence a person or the world. Authority is when you have permission to control people’s actions and using that power. For example, Police have the power to arrest someone, but do not have the authority to arrest you for brushing your hair in public.

           We also learned about, three types of questions, and using them when appropriate. The three type of questions are called, a “Boat question”, a” Fish question”, and a “Treasure Chest question”. A “Boat question”, is when you ask for information beginning with the 5 W’s, or how, should, could or would. A “Fish question”, is a question where you dig a little deeper. It provides with an inference or prediction question. For example, what do you think about________? It is usually followed up with a, “why” question.  A “Treasure Chest question”, is a question applying what you know and relating it to new ideas. For example, how long would it take for an airplane to fly around the world? We had to make up 2 boat, and fish questions, and 1 treasure question about the film called, ‘‘nails.’’ In that film we learned how nails were manufactured a very long time ago, up until today.

            Thank you for listening and have a great day!


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