Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Blog Post 3: the K-3 Winter Olympics
     On Tuesday March 18th, the Kindergarten to grade 3 winter Olympics were held. Some grade 7 students got the chance to help out with the activities that taking place. Some were tobogganing, bobsledding, luge, obstacle course, and curling, just to name a few. There was also a hot chocolate station that was available to the students during the designated break time. The original time of the winter Olympics had been delayed due to the cold temperature.

      I was in charge of the luge station along with Marcus. Here, the students had to go down the slide as many times as they could, and as fast as they could. They had 3 minutes in order to bring their group to glory. I was in charge of timing while Marcus was in charge of counting. Mrs. Jagassar’s group held the record with 97 times down the slide. After the Olympics ended, which they did by 11:20, we had to clean up, and head back in. The Kindergarten to grade 3’s went back to class while we stayed and enjoyed hot chocolate, and watch the high school three point competition. We headed back to class around 11:45. In all it was really fun, and I enjoyed helping out, though it did get really cold.


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