Monday, April 28, 2014

Science Blog Post

This week in science class we started our new unit, "The earth's Crust." Although this topic can be viewed as mundane and kind've repetitive, I enjoy learning about this sector of the science curriculum as it has always been my favourite. 

As we learn more about the three different categories of rocks, and their specific formation (each of which I will share a definition), we strengthen our knowledge and understanding of the difference between rock and mineral.

Sedimentary Rock: 

A rock in which is formed through burial, compression, and chemical modification of deposited weathered rock debris or sediments of the earth's surface.

Igneous Rock:

A rock in which is formed through solidification of magma that solidifies and cools at the earth surface to conceive an extrusive or volcanic igneous rock. Or when molten lava cools and solidifies beneath the earths surface to conceive an intrusive or plutonic igneous rock

Metamorphic Rock: Rock in which is formed when existing rock is chemically or physically modified by intense heat or pressure. 

I am thoroughly pleased to inform you that I am enlightened with new information each science class, and it would like to thank you all for listening to my blog post. 

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