Friday, October 11, 2013

First Blog Post   

For my first blog I am going to talk about myself. In school my favourite subject is French. I like French because I understand it and it is challenging but not too hard. My second favourite subject is gym. Gym is easy and fun. My third favourite is ICT because I love to type. School is fun so far. I want more breaks.                                   

My favourite sport at school is basketball. I like basketball because it is like all of my favourite sports in one and you don’t need lots of equipment. School is okay.

Out of school my favourite sports are Hockey, Football, Golf, and Swimming.  My favourite hockey player is Brad “The Little Ball of Hate” Marchand. My favourite Football player is Kory Sheets. My favourite golf player is Bubba Watson. My favourite Swimmer is Michael Phelps. I hope you enjoy my first blog post.


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