Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My name is Matthew Karisio, and I’m going to tell you about events happening in the school. First of all, there are 10 new kids in all of Gr. 7. There are 4 in 7a, and in 7b, there are 6 new kids. I was also surprised to find out that two of the new kids in 7b were in my kindergarten class! I’m finding out that I’ll really need to work hard in Gr 7. I’m now going to tell you about some upcoming events going on in the school.


Alright, so on to business. The boys’ competitive volleyball team beat Holy Ghost on October 9th, and had a great victory.  Also, the CHRISTMAS IN October event is coming up, starting on Tuesday, October 23rd.  Thank you for reading. PEACE!

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