Monday, October 7, 2013

                                                                      Blog Post

The topic I decided to share with you today is concerning the subject of debating. This week, not more than three days ago, Frida and I attended a competition at St. Mary’s Academy. I do not find it necessary to expand on the details of the competition, yet I will however grant you the knowledge that the experience was both a fun, and memorable, and I hold no regret in my decision to participate.
For the first round, although I don’t wish to reveal it, Frida and I were almost completely unprepared. It was a nerve-racking experience, it was our first time debating, and not only were we competing against grade nine girls, but our points and opinions were rather weak. We had not been informed that I would be talking for six minutes straight, and due to this fact, I found it hard articulate my opinions and points without stuttering from the anxiety of not having enough opinions to expand upon. However we quickly recovered, and soon become more comfortable with speaking.
I am definitely looking forward to the next debate, and I hope that next time I will be able to apply the skills that I’ve learned when debating.

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