Friday, October 11, 2013


Does anyone recognize this tree? This is Yukio, my very dear friend. (Don’t judge you people!) Guys I think we all know what I’m going to say…DON’T KICK THE TREE!! Please I beg you. It might not seem like it and most of you don’t care or are thinking, “Why in the world is she talking about a simple tree?” Guys, it is a living thing. It might not talk or be able to move, but that doesn’t mean it’s not alive! How will you guys feel if someone constantly kicked you, rubbing their dirty shoes all over you?? Wouldn’t that make you sad? (Or feel like beating them up…) It’s not right so please, I ask you to stop.

Not only with Yukio but with the other trees as well! Why in the world would you like to kick a tree? WHY exactly are you kicking a tree? It makes no sense to me! If you just feel like kicking something, kick some metal or the wall (If you are willing to pay the consequences for damaging school property that is…) Okay, I’m done with my complaining. I don’t expect anyone to stop since most people kick them to tease me. But be warned! You’re going to have to go through me first! But I don’t want any trouble and I’m sure you guys don’t either, so let’s do Mother Nature a favor and leave the trees alone, okay?

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