Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Second Blog Post

 My second blog post is all about Social Studies. This year we learned about communities, the elements of culture, culture/identity, the Quality of Life, Maszlow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Theory of Motivation), and we learned about HDI (Human Development Index). Community is a group of people working together, from different cultures. The elements of culture are: food, ethnic background, beliefs, education/school, tradition-spiritual, politics, language, economics, and production. Culture/Identity is shared and unifying traditions and beliefs that shape an individual’s point of view (worldview) and influence how a person experiences the world and what they think and believe. When we discussed Quality of Life in Social Studies, we list different things of what qualities we have in life (ex. positive attitude, well paying and rewarding job, good decisions, knowledge/wisdom and many more).

 We also discussed Needs vs.Wants in part of Quality of Life. Top three needs in life are: living resources, healthy lifestyle, and education. Top three wants are: money, luxuries, and electronics. In Maszlow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Theory of Motivaton) there are five different types of needs, they are: Physiological Needs(Survival Needs/ Physical Needs), Security Needs, Belonging/Social Needs, Esteem Needs, and Self-Actualization Needs (Being yourself). The last one is the Human Development Index (HDI). This index gives a general picture of living conditions in each country and it is used by the United Nations. Three things that measures HDI are health, education, and wealth. We also did a project on Culture/Identity with partners and we are working on the Inspirational Poster Project.


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