Monday, October 7, 2013

my favourite classes

Blog Post

      My favourite subject is art I like art because all we do is draw. In art we usually draw cartoons or faces with different attitude. We usually copy of the drawings Mr. Cotter does on the board. Mr. Cotter is our art teacher he is so fun and never yells. I also like art because we never get homework and when we do it is fun homework. That is why art is my favourite class.
      My other favourite class is science because the teacher is so nice and is funny. Or teacher is Mr. Rautert he is nice and is always funny. I also like science because of all the experiments. We have already had two tests but they were easy. The tests were about the particle theory of matter on one test I got 100 and on the other I got 80 percent. That is why I like science.

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